
The only class with the Eviscerator, Purgation Flamer, Heavy Swords, and Thunder Hammers. Four of the most fun weapons in the game. What's not to love?


Crit Tank Zealot*

Use your ability to trigger a crit, which then triggers a chain a reaction of crits. This build lets you become the lawn mower you always wanted to be. You get your ability back so fast, that you honestly don't need a the second charge. I have it because I had an extra point but you can easily get something else.



Hammer Zealot

BONK THE BIG BOYS! I treat "Martyrdom" as just a bonus when you take damage. I would not try to stay on low health, because at the end of the day being down on the ground makes you help a lot less than doing a little bit less damage. This build gives you the ultimate BONK.


Interrogator Zealot*

Very self sufficent loadout. The very top the two traits down the middle "Anoint in Blood" and "Purge the Unclean" are selected mainly to buff the flamethrower. If you are using autoguns you will want to get rid of these two points and instead you will want to pick up "Dance with Death" (located under the throwing knives). This makes your auto guns have much better accuracy. You will also want to get rid of "Pious Cut-Throat" (at the bottom above the keystone) and instead select "Swift Certainty". This will trigger many more dodges, which will then trigger the accuracy gained from "Dance with Death". I use the "Blades of Faith" blitz ability here because I am using the flamethrower, so I am still able to kill specials from range. If you are using an auto gun, you would also want to swap that out for one of the other two grenades.


Loner Zealot

Best to treat this build as if you were a "yo-yo". Run foward and kill the gunners, then come back to the group. If you stay outside coherency you run the risk of getting pounced, and your team has one less person watching their back. Played well it's a very active playstyle that can be effective.


Martyrdom Zealot

Similar to the Hammer build, but instead of a hammer you have a giant sword. You trade the gimmick of doing a one shot for reliable damage the entire match.


Blitz Ability

Both the Stunstorm Grenade and Immolation Grenade can be provide clutch grenades revives. The Stunstrom Grenade has extreme value for free revives, and can be used to easily approach shooting enemies. The Immolation Grenade provides slightly worse reviving, but has the added bonus of giving massive AOE damage. The Blades of Faith may be underwhelming in the Meat Grinder, but they have extreme value in a real game. You get ammo back for Elite and Special kills when using your melee weapons. They also throw instantly, so they pair greatly with both the Boltgun and the Flamer. They allow easy assassination of specials without having to wait for the long animations of these two guns. They can also be used to pull these two weapons out almost instantly by skipping their animation by throwing a knife as soon as you start to pull out the ranged weapon.